– Asha is no longer celibate, but now has a temporary fertility malus to stop the AI marrying her off immediately – King Aegon V is no longer both knight and squire – Added portraits for Lynesse Hightower and Taena of Myr created by “MnK”. He’s been brought back down to Trained where he belongs. – Somebody apparently thought Gregor needed Formidable Fighter. – Changed Randyll Grafton’s name to the Canon Marq Grafton (lord at the time of Roberts Rebellion). – Bloodraven no longer owns Darksister from the age of 5 Ormand (Kingsguard) has been given trained_warrior. – Gave poor_warrior traits to two of the three Kettleblack brothers. Gave the heir of House Moore some children so the line doesn’t die out to quickly. – Fixed House Shett family floater by adding a father to Damon Shett and his younger brother.

#Ck2 agot reddit matrilineal marriage orys and argella update#
– Slight update of House Reyne and Hightower, starting family connections between the two (and others) on Blood of the Dragon lines Added afew extra Lannister’s from Blood of the Dragon. – Adjusted ages for Stark members to fit in line with succession. – Joffrey and his siblings now have Jaime set as their real father in the history files Now his Royce wife dies at the correct date. – Jon Arryn’s first two wives in the Ninepenny scenario were both alive and married to him at the same time. Including House Dustin, Stark, Ryswell and (non-canon) changes in House Bolton to boost their family numbers in couple mid-scenarios. – Minor Northern ancestor changes to go in line with the MUSH changes. – Updates to much character history including: Stark, Tully, Grell, Marbrand, Lefford, Vance, Lannister, Tyrell, beesbury, Ryger, Hightower, Blackwood, Manderly, Orkwood, Bolton, Westerlanders in the Conquest, Selmy, Tarly, Cafferen, Baratheon, Velaryon – Added new information from The Dance of the Dragons preview – Added a flavour event for Patricians to lose a ship to a Kraken.Ĭharacter setup (WARNING, SPOILERS AHEAD): – Grandparents now have priority in choosing a child’s education if they are landed and the parents are not – Slaying someone who has yielded to you in a friendly duel will now increase your dishonour Frequency of good/bad events now also depends on your ruler’s stewardship. – The republic random events now use scaled wealth rather than a meaningless +/- 50 gold. – Added a decision for female rulers in a regular marriage to a lowborn to make their marriage matrilineal – The Targaryen coin flip will no longer occur for a secret bastard whose real father and mother are not Targaryens – Members of the kingsguard can now be sent to the courts of other members of the royal family – Seasons now last a minimum of two years – Characters with a Dragon egg may now build Dragon pits – Blackfyres now have a traditional claim on the Iron Throne – It is now possible to arrange a wedding ceremony for daughters who remain in your court – Provinces broken by Dragonfire in a siege will now be converted to ruins – Adjusted the Knighthood mechanics somewhat, including making it possible for non-Faith followers to become knights under certain circumstances